Blogger Widgets Ender-Chan's Thoughts: The #16Disabilities Challenge

Friday, December 11, 2015

The #16Disabilities Challenge

How it Works:
Write a post about how your 16Personalities MBTI affected your disability experience. (Take the 16Personalities test in order to determine which of the 16 personalities you are if you don't know already.) If you cannot decide between two types, use this cognitive functions test to help you decide. Post an image of your 16Personalities results (with an image description for accessibility and in case of rendering issues). Share it with additional tags such as #MBTI and #Disability so others can see that disability and MBTI can intersect.

Why should I bother?
Why shouldn't you bother? Both disability and temperament/personality systems (MBTI in this case) are widely discussed as separate topics, but I rarely see anyone pointing out the intersections between them. Some people don't even realize that these intersections exist. The use of the #16Disabilities challenge is a campaign to create accessible temperament tests. If the 16Personalities staff created accessibility features, more people would be able to experience the benefits of these tests.

What if I'm not disabled, but I like this campaign?
You can use write a similar post and use the tag #16Allies. 

Link Your #16Disabilities and #16Allies Posts Here:
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  1. Thanks for sharing! I'll try to get one written as an ally!

    1. Thank you for considering my challenge. Let me know if and when you do it.

  2. INFP this year. I tend to bounce between P and T

    I'll start a draft but IDK if I'll follow through posting or not.

    1. If you waffle between any areas, consider a cognitive functions test. I recommend the one on Celebrity Types. Types that differ by one letter can have completely different cognitive functions. For example, an ENTP is Ne Ti Fe Si whereas an ENTJ is Te Ni Se Fi. I am an ENTP that mistyped as INTJ and ENTJ. Thank you for considering participation.


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