Blogger Widgets Ender-Chan's Thoughts: Kindness Report Series Introduction

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Kindness Report Series Introduction

How It Works: I will log on as a new player for any amount of time (in one day) on a new (to me) Minecraft server and take screenshots of the chat, a kindness rating (1 is worst, 5 is best) and other things that reveal the overall character of the server. Then, I will post screenshots and a description of my experience. I will also list possible biases that might have made me misjudge the server's character.

Why I'm Doing It: This will help new players get the "feel" of a server by showing what existing players are really like.

The Motivation Behind This: I want to make sure that everyone is the salt and the light to another person, even on someplace like a Minecraft server. Your words affect other people no matter where you say them.

How the Scale of 1 to 5 Works
The server will be rated 1-5 in these categories. The mean of these ratings is the overall rating.

Attitude Towards Other Players
Treatment of Others' Property
Respect For Staff (if applicable)

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