Blogger Widgets Ender-Chan's Thoughts: Disability and the Five Temperaments Part 2a: The Choleric

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Disability and the Five Temperaments Part 2a: The Choleric

The choleric temperament is powerful--and that is what a choleric seeks to be. Words like hotheaded, impatient, brash, and forthright describe a choleric. A choleric insists that "this is the way" and is willing to assert themselves in any manner. Oftentimes, the cholerics are the ones that display active resistance towards something they do not want to do, much to (person in authority)'s annoyance.

How Cholerics Deal
Dependence on other people or a device, especially after a period of no need for these things, frustrates the choleric; generally, a choleric will seek "independence" from devices and people. A desire for leadership allows the choleric to learn advocacy fairly quickly, but they need to be careful not to be too brash in their approach. Taking the lead in nonprofits and jumping to take initiative on an issue fulfills the choleric's need for authority. A choleric is either quick to assert their needs and will make sure they are met or hides their needs for fear of being "weak". 

What to Watch For
Cholerics with communication difficulties are prone to violent meltdowns, especially when their driving needs are squelched with no ability to voice their concerns. Therapists find the choleric temperament difficult to deal with due to the resistant tendencies that come with a desire for authority; however, if a choleric sets their own goals, they will most likely be met. Robbing a choleric of their agency and independence is the most sure way to turn them against you as control is important to people of this temperament. Cholerics do not respond well to being forced into submission; they will resist if they find that this is the case.

The Choleric and Therapies
As control is a choleric's driving need, independence is especially important to this temperament. The choleric will assert their independence and may drive others away in order to keep it. A choleric might reject therapies to maintain their image or accept the therapies that will help them with their priorities. Take care that a choleric has some control over their goals; a choleric forced to undergo gait training when they do not desire to walk will resent the person who forced them to do it. Generally, cholerics take to change significantly better or significantly worse than other temperaments due to their independent drive and desire for authority. Behavior therapists are quick to recognize cholerics and "need" to eradicate this temperament; they tend to squelch the choleric in an effort to make them more phlegmatic. Naturally, such a thing frustrates a choleric; this temperament does not do well with behavior modification therapies. Cholerics benefit from regulation-based therapies and the provision of an outlet in which to channel pent-up frustration.

Cholerics and Acquired Disability
Acquired disability is difficult for a choleric to cope with. Since people with disabilities are often portrayed as submissive, a newly-disabled choleric will not take well to this image. If a choleric ever goes through a grief period, they will usually mourn their independence and be frustrated by dependence on a device or others (if such is the case). A choleric tends to find a way to work around their disability in order to regain control. Adjusting to life with a disability is an especially arduous journey for the choleric; however, cholerics are quick to "rebound" once they accept themselves.

Cholerics and Assistance
Even when they truly need it, cholerics are reluctant to ask for assistance, let alone receive it. Since maintaining independence is important for a choleric, they will try to do everything can in order to avoid dependence. This can lead to overexertion; take care that a choleric does not injure themselves in the quest for independence. A choleric will more likely ask for assistance if it helps them to reach a priority goal.

"Do" For a Choleric

  • Allow them to lead and set their own goals.
  • Minimize micromanagement. 
  • Find people to lead.
  • Encourage advocacy. 
  • Give them an outlet to release pent-up frustration.
  • Teach the importance of standing up for others.
  • Build character strengths.
  • Encourage seeking assistance.
  • Offer options.
"Don't" For a Choleric
  • Squelch or undermine their independence.
  • Assist without asking.
  • Encourage power-seeking above all else.
  • Withhold doable responsibilities.
  • Discourage seeking challenges.
  • Restrict to one option.
The Choleric Disability Advocate
  • Will ignore typical "PC" rules and be blunt in their points
  • Tends to use identity-first language
  • Addresses issues head-on with little to no allowance for exceptions
  • Expresses their opinions strongly and is sometimes dogmatic
  • Says "X is the way" rather than "Maybe we could do X?" 
  • May call bloggers and petitioners "slacktivists" for "not doing anything"
  • Is confident in what they say, sometimes to a fault
  • Challenges opposition to establish authority
  • Enjoys debating controversial issues
As born leaders, cholerics are impatient pragmatists that see their goals ahead of them. Cholerics are the dominant drivers that demand control of their situations. This temperament's strengths are advocacy and independence with weaknesses being impulsivity and tactlessness. 


  1. Hmmm. I don't think Bethany or I are choleric, but I do think we have some choleric tendencies!! Interesting information!!

    1. Thank you for your comment. Perhaps your primary temperament is something else?


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