Blogger Widgets Ender-Chan's Thoughts: Twice Exceptional Misbehavior Guide for Teachers

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Twice Exceptional Misbehavior Guide for Teachers

A Quick Guide:
It follows the format of a dichotomous key for the most part.
Potential solutions, instructions to advance, and points to ponder are (in parentheses).
This is by no means comprehensive. 
No guaranteed for any of this working! :)

  1. Are you yelling, being excessively controlling, or saying things the student could interpret as an insult?
    1. Yes/I think so. (STOP IT RIGHT NOW.)
    2. No, of course not! (Go to 2.)
  2. Does the student need something like a trip to the restroom or medicine for a headache?
    1. Yes. (Provide it if possible.)
    2. No. (Go to 3.)
  3. Is the student (sometimes along with the rest of the class) bored/tired?
    1. Yes. (Try offering something stimulating.) 
    2. No. (Go to 4.)
  4. What is the student's general attitude towards the class?
    1. Likes it (Go to 5)
    2. Dislikes it (Go to 6)
  5. Have you considered the possibility of a medical condition such as asthma, epilepsy, or diabetes causing the behavior?
    1. Yes, and this is the source. (Go further.)
    2. Yes, but this is not the source. (Go to 7)
    3. No, the student does not have any such medical conditions. (Go to 8)
    4. No, but I will consider it next time.
  6. Do you know why the student dislikes the class?
    1. Yes. (Circumvent it.)
    2. No. (Go to 9)
  7. Have you provided the appropriate accommodations for the student?
    1. Yes.
    2. No/Not sure. (Go to 10)
  8. Are the problems the side effect of or an adverse reaction to medication?
    1. Possibly. (Discuss it with the student's parents and with the student.)
    2. The student is not medicated. (Go to 11)
  9. Two main factors influence a student's ability to like a class: the subject and the teacher. Which do you think the student dislikes more?
    1. The subject (Go to 12)
    2. The teacher (Go to 13)
  10. Have you come up with something that has a chance of working?
    1. Yes. (Discuss and implement it.)
    2. No. (Ask around.)
  11. Does the student have an option to escape and decompress?
    1. Yes. (Present the option.)
    2. No. (Give the option and go to 14.)
  12. What makes this subject difficult, tedious, or both for the student?
    1. The co-occuring disability (Offer the appropriate help.)
    2. A lack of interest in the subject (Go to 15).
  13. What about your teaching method might make the student dislike the class?
    1. Pace (Go to 16)
    2. Presentation (Go to 17)
  14. Do you feel that the student needs this option?
    1. Yes. (Create it.)
    2. No. (Do it anyway. It might help.)
  15. Can you make the subject more interesting by appealing to their strengths?
    1. Yes. (Then do it.)
    2. No. (Find a way.)
  16. Is the pace too fast or too slow?
    1. Too fast (Offer extensions.)
    2. Too slow (Present extra challenges.)
  17. Does the student have sensory integration issues?
    1. Yes. (Go to 18)
    2. No. (Go to 19)
  18. Is the stimulation too much or too little?
    1. Too much (Allow a sensory break or slow down.)
    2. Too little (Offer a fidget toy.)
  19. Have you considered and tried the Irlen method?
    1. Yes, and it helped. (Good to hear!)
    2. Yes, but it didn't help. (Go to 20.)
    3. No, but I will. (It might work!!!)
    4. No and I won't. (Try it anyway.)
  20. Is the student acting out purely for the sake of acting out and not due to boredom or needing something?
    1. Yes. (Deal with it according to the school's discipline policy.)
    2. No, this is different. (Go to 1 and read through the whole guide.)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. There are many twice exceptional students with disciplinary issues and, though I was never one of them, I want to help them.


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