Every time I go on The Mighty, I see very little variety to the content and the way it flows. The stories tend to focus on emotions. They are clearly edited to fit a temperamental pattern. The Mighty claims to promote diversity, but they seemed to overlook temperamental diversity as an integral part of life with a disability. The stories seem to all come from multiple with the same reason for why they act the way they do. Thus, I think The Mighty is discriminating against writers of certain temperaments.
As a DiSCability blogger, I find it important that all temperaments get represented in the disability community. Most of The Mighty's content is posted by allies sharing their experiences as parents or those who are grieving the loss of their children. This alone concerns me because I would not run a violin store as a flutist who has never picked up a violin. Lists of things you wish others knew, not to say, and other compilations as well as the occasional "embracing myself" post penned by disabled writers are also common. Photo shoots are also popular pieces.
But with such diversity, how can you possibly accuse them of the lack thereof?
All of these are clearly meant to appeal to people of the melancholic temperament. Sensitive, perfectionistic, and passionate, melancholics seem to make the perfect typical voice to drown out the disabled, right? At least The Mighty thinks so. The Mighty favors the meticulous melancholics while ignoring social sanguines, commanding cholerics, peaceful phlegmatics, and their perspectives. Even if one of these temperaments happens to slip under the editors' eyes, it is usually because they write with a melancholic style.
In an already strongly predominantly melancholic community, temperamental diversity should be promoted and not squelched by publishing stories that follow the same archetypes that are clearly meant to appeal to the same temperament. Phlegmatics can write about how their "go with the flow" approach to life with their disability. Cholerics can contribute pragmatic, objective viewpoints as well as mobilize others to execute their visions. Sanguines can use their lighthearted sense of humor to prevent others from thinking of disability as an inherently sad or pitiful experience. It takes all four temperaments to show true diversity, not one. If you work for or support The Mighty, take the time to truly show "real people" and "real stories". This includes allowing each contributor to show their temperament. If you are actively protesting against The Mighty, use the tags #NotSoMighty and #TheMelancholy on your main mode of social media and talk about the systemic temperamental discrimination that runs rampant on the site.
Image Description: White text on a red background that reads "Real people. Real stories. Only melancholics' perspectives are real, though. Sanguines, phlegmatics, and cholerics need not contribute." "People" and "Stories" are bold. This is a satirical parody of The Mighty's slogan.
Go here to join the DiSCability discussion. For now, it's only on Google+, but I want the DiSCability community to extend into all forms of social media. If you do so, credit me as the originator and go from there. I want people of all temperaments to join the discussion.
Most people have not heard of the connections between disability and temperament. I seek to change that. Whatever your knowledge of disability and temperament, join in! So far, I am the only disability and temperament blogger.
Discussion of all temperament systems is welcome! If you know of a system I don't know about or are developing a system yourself, bring it to my attention! DiSC is not the only system we use. You don't even need to know your temperament to join the discussion.
Data Set: 3 Respondents
My findings are always based off of my data set. You can add your own responses to the data set by taking the survey. I can always update this post if I get more data.
The most common reasons (2/3) others avoid discussing disability and temperament are "label aversion" and "It just never crossed my mind." Considering that knowledge of temperament theory is not that widespread, I could see why connecting temperament and disability would not have crossed the minds of others. The widespread theme of avoiding labels is also another contributor to avoidance of discussing the intersection between disability and temperament. Who would want to actively seek another label in a place where they are discouraged?
Other factors (1/3) include the lack of accessible temperament tests, a lack of disability-specific temperament resources, and temperamental stereotypes of the disabled. Of every temperament test I have ever been to, none had accessibility features. One respondent further elaborated on their answer by saying "People with disabilities get stereotyped as angry, villainous, helpless, or meek." This polarity does not exist in real life and is overlooked due to lack of knowledge of temperaments.
Another respondent wrote "Some people's temperaments are very clear, some take getting to know after the content or presentation. I probably don't notice temperament before I notice a lot of other things." This is how most people go about temperament theory: recognizing parts and assembling them into a whole. I do not believe that others have trouble recognizing the parts. They just see them as parts and do not assemble them into a whole. Others see a whole, but fail to see parts. Temperament theory is more about the whole than it is about the parts, but one must see the parts in order to see the whole.
The most heard-of temperament system is MBTI (3/3). MBTI is a widely used and well-known system. Other temperament systems (1/3) such as the four temperaments, five temperaments, LaHaye blends, APS, DiSC, socionics and enneagram are less common. None of my respondents (0/3) have heard of the ten terrains of consciousness, which is the newest system of the listed. The test is still in development.
One user described their history with temperament theory. They first heard of MBTI and non-LaHaye blends. They learned about socionics 4-5 years later and used DiSC in business. No other respondents gave me their history with temperament theory.
One third (1/3) of respondents planned to write professionally published and self-published resources on disability and temperament theory as well as adding temperament to their non-discrimination statement and discussing it with others. Two thirds of respondents (2/3) plan to withhold the key to these valuable connections and do nothing. One of these respondents said "This really isn't important to me. I don't feel the need to label such ordinary parts of who I am as a person. I just want to be me, without excessive labeling". Some people accuse temperament theorists of just wanting to shove people into boxes, but that is not what temperament theory is about. Temperament theory is a way of saying "There is a pattern to why I act the way I do" rather than "This is a specific set of behaviors I need to exhibit." No respondents (0/3) had any plans to create accessible temeperament tests.
One respondent appears to be rather well-versed in temperament theory. This respondent said they read about the four humors in the late '80s to early '90s. In 1998, this person tested as sanguine-choleric. In the early 2000s, they started exploring business and Christian-oriented systems. They have also visited websites like Similar Minds and Personality Cafe. This respondent may or may not be a professional author as they said to write professional published resources regarding disability and temperament theory.
That concludes this data set. Add yourself into the pool by taking the survey!
I can't think of a clever tagline. Go to my other blog if you want more information about my characters.
How do you approach life?
One exciting dragon slaying adventure after another!
Trying to be perfect
Meeting a lot of new people and having fun
I'm just along for the ride.
Describe your combat style.
Hit your enemy with a sword until they die. Don't bother with plans because it's combat and not math class.
First, carefully plan your attack. Once you have adequately formulated your plan, climb into a tree, spot your target, wait for the right moment, aim, and shoot. Repeat as needed.
Taunt your opponent with a hit-and-run method. Change between ranged and close combat as needed and look amazing while you're at it.
Rig certain areas with redstone TNT traps. Watch your enemies explode and burn. If necessary, use a bow or sword to kill off the stragglers.
Someone gave you a compliment on your music! What do you think inside upon receiving it?
It's time someone recognized me for being the superior to the others.
There's no way I deserve this! I was terrible.
You are awesome too. I love positive feedback.
Oh, for me? Thanks, but I (dismissive remark here).
Which best describes how you respond to things you dislike?
Crying, anxiety, sulking, and an overall mood low that lasts practically FOREVER
Oh no! Everyone hates me!!!! (Ends up getting over it in a day)
I'll just put up with it.
In a four-member team, you are:
Leading. What else would I do?
Assisting the leader in his/her decision making
Keeping morale high and bonds tight
The medic, the white mage, the nice guy/girl
Pick a Laura Shigihara song.
Look Up at the Sky
From the Ground Up
First Day
Do you fret over minutia (small details)?
No. They won't matter in the grand scheme of things
Yes! Small things are important, you know.
It depends on my mood.
No. It takes too much energy.
Your social -version is...
Extroverted Ambivert
Introverted Ambivert
Are you prone to crying?
Not really, but some things just get to me--and very few things get to me.
Yes. Very. D,:
If I have a good reason, yes.
Kind of.
Pick a weapon.
What was your attitude towards this quiz?
Skimming and picking things that are like me
Carefully pondering each answer
Personality tests are fun!:D
Fumbling my way through...
If you answered mostly 1s, you are the most like Steve. You are courageous, persistent, and love a good fight. Others admire your natural confidence and charisma, but that does not mean that you are not without a set of faults and foibles, such as explosive rage, impulsivity, and appearing insensitive. However, you go where no one else bothers to poke their head and usually end up succeeding due to your daring and audacious ways.
If you answered mostly 2s, you are the most like Caitlin. You are thoughtful, conscientious, and self-sacrificing. Others envy your organizational skills, talent, and selflessness, but you are often quick to deny the thought of anyone envying you. It is easy for you to become discouraged and, thus, drown in your own fear. Since you are prone to denying your worth, your multitude of talents often pass under your watchful eye. Your considerate nature and perfectionist eye often see what remains hidden to the others.
If you answered mostly 3s, you are the most like Alex. You are charming, genuine, and welcome the world with open arms. Others envy your persuasive words and expressive mannerisms, but your quick tongue sometimes speeds ahead of your mind and gets you into trouble. However, when you learn to control your tongue, you become an effective leader and promoter in whatever your field is--and have fun while you're at it.
If you answered mostly 4s, you are the most like Adrian. You are helpful, easygoing, and are careful not to say or do the wrong thing. Others envy your patience and calm, collected aura, which you retain even under extreme stress. However, others tend to see you as lazy or indifferent, even when you are passionate about something. This is probably due to your fear of coming off too strongly. When you do manage to step out, however, others will listen because they know you raise your voice for what matters.
A pattern that's unique to me
2 social -versions
3 letters
4 Keirsey types
5 temperaments
6 variants
7 different systems
8 cognitive functions
9 sides of instinct
10 terrains of consciousness
11 DiSC types
12 LaHaye blends
Mentioned Temperament Systems:
Four Temperaments (LaHaye), Five Temperaments (not APS), Socionics, Enneagram, Jungian Functions, MBTI, KTS, DiSC, Ten Terrains of Consciousness
How I Came Up With Seven Different Systems:
Four Temperaments and Five Temperaments are humoral systems.
Jungian functions show the distribution of intelligences and energies.
Socionics uses the same letters as MBTI, but it is not MBTI.
KTS is directly related to MBTI.
DiSC is indirectly related to the four temperaments.
Enneagram measures the general direction of one's intelligences.
Ten terrains of consciousness measures basic instincts.
My Known Temperaments:
LaHaye Blend: ChlorSan
Fie Temperaments: Choleric and Supine (Five Temperaments, Not APS)
I asked Jack, a regular author at Disability Diaries, for his opinion on extroverts and introverts. This is what he had to say:
Image Text is as Follows: I think extroverts are good within reason, bring an introvert primarily after being around them for while I get cranky and annoyed. Introverts like quiet and solitude. they value having time alone to recharge so to speak. Most of if not all of my close friends are introverts. You may use these for your blog.
Dear Introverts:
First of all, I'd like to apologize on behalf of every member of extrovert-kind that you have ever met and will meet. As an extrovert, I understand that I can come off too strong. Extroverts like stimulation and interaction and, though an extrovert can survive without these things, they need them to thrive as much as introverts need quiet and solitude. We get cranky and annoyed if insufficiently stimulated just as you might when overstimulated.
We extroverts get that introverts need time alone to recharge and can respect that. However, extroverts need others to recharge and we demand an equal amount of respect for our needs. There is a noticeable imbalance between introvert content and extrovert content on the Internet and that in and of itself is not a bad thing, but very little material under #extrovert is written for extroverts and even less of it is written by people who openly identify as extroverted.
The extroverts you meet are rarely intentionally out to annoy introverts. They just take social events as an opportunity to recharge and need you to fill their battery, so to speak. Many extroverts feel guilty about recharging in different ways from introverts and fear being dismissed as shallow and attention-seeking. Extroverts keep their energy reserves on the surface. We do not have infinite energy; we just keep our energy reserves on the surface rather than at our core. The extrovert that comes off too strongly may actually just be tired and need to recharge.
There are also different varieties of extroversion. Sanguine extroversion is represented the most often. Extroverts of the sanguine variety are the "party animals" and the perpetual movers. Sanguine extroverts are the outgoing, fun extroverts that love any excuse to put on a show. Choleric extroversion manifests itself as a need for control. Choleric extroverts are not represented as extroverts as often as sanguine extroverts are. They are generally more industrious and resolute than sanguine extroverts.Though the choleric sometimes does not socialize, cholerics are indeed extroverts. After all, a choleric can't rise above the heads of a crowd of one.
I understand that extroverts can have an overwhelming presence, but the need to replenish own energies, rather than the intent to drain others' energies, lies behind the flashy exterior. We extroverts are tired of having our needs dismissed and that will increase our "annoying" factor. Sufficiently-"fed" extroverts are balanced, charismatic leaders that will consider the needs of others no matter what their social -version is. "Starving" extroverts are desperate and attention-seeking to the point where they have little care for the needs of others whether they are introverted or extroverted.
We don't really intend to be annoying or make you cranky. We just need the energy interactions give us. We also need your support and loyalty despite how irksome we can be when we are running low on emotional energy, not just "within reason" and when we are sufficiently fueled. Remarks like these hurt extroverts more deeply than you realize, especially sanguine extroverts. Extroverts, though we supposedly "have all the advantages in life" and "have the world made for us," also have needs that are just as valid as those of introverts. I hope you will take this into account when dealing with "annoying" extroverts.
Yours Truly,
The Official Extrovert Ambassador (Self-Appointed)
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Note: Recovery and cure stories as well as the promotion of cure and recovery techniques are spam. I don't care if it's natural, safe, effective, affordable, or anything else. I will consider these posts an attempt to endanger others because it risks the health and safety of my viewers.Thank you for understanding and complying.
Tim LaHaye, a Christian counselor, organized the four temperaments (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, and sanguine) into twelve blends. He is the author of Why You Act the Way You Do, Spirit-Controlled Temperament, and other works. Your LaHaye blend affects the way you advocate, providing the basis for how and why you do it. Disability advocacy is not limited to one temperamental pattern. All twelve can do it, just in different ways.
LaHaye's blend system works by taking the first syllable of each temperament (with the exception of the choleric temperament in some cases) and affixing the first syllable of another temperament to create portmanteaus of the temperaments. Either "chol" or "chlor" is acceptable in reference to the choleric temperament. (I don't know why Tim LaHaye uses "chlor" rather than "chol".)
Sanguine Blends
SanChlor: SanChlors are the most strongly extroverted out of all of the twelve blends. The SanChlor advocate is enthusiastic, people-oriented, and an effective inspirer of people. Always ready to speak out, SanChlors form opinions quickly and tend to dive into situations and take initiative on issues before anyone else, even if said SanChlor did not think the issue through before opening their mouth. This temperament tends to justify their actions whether they are right or wrong and let their ego direct them towards their causes. They tend to waffle between causes that will earn the approval of others rather than loyally holding fast to one. Such is not the nature of disability advocacy, so the SanChlor has a tendency to give up on such things. However, when given the right information and approval from the right people, SanChlors make very effective advocates.
SanMel: SanMels are highly emotional people who genuinely feel the plights of others. Seeing as how an empathetic viewpoint is welcome in disability discussion, SanMels are readily welcomed. Due to their emotional nature, the SanMel tends to fall for disability glurge more than other temperaments, so SanMels need to hone their discernment in choosing their sources of inspiration. By doing so, the SanMel advocate can direct others to what is truly inspiring instead of condescending tear-jerkers. As well as being easily misled, SanMels often forget the practical side of advocacy. When a SanMel sees the joy practical things can bring, they will focus on such things. The SanMel can be dramatic in their advocacy method, sometimes leading to the publication of tirades. Though emotional expression is important to the SanMel, this temperament must consider how others will respond to their emotions on a page. SanMels bring the ever-important emotional aspects of the disability community to life, which make their role integral as advocates.
SanPhleg: SanPhlegs are the easiest people to like. The happy-go-lucky sanguine blended with the gracious phlegmatic creates a truly nice person. They are carefree, humorous, and are not as susceptible to the effects of stress as other temperaments. A SanPhleg has a naturally kind spirit due to their love for others would never do something with the intent of hurting another person. SanPhleg advocates are happy to break the ice and dissolve awkwardness with a joke or simply by listening. However, the SanPhleg lacks the discipline and aggressiveness that is necessary to advocate. The differing opinions of the disability community may make a SanPhleg advocate burn out before they even start due to their desire to please everyone. However, when a SanPhleg learns how to say "No" to misleading information, this temperament becomes a truly caring and warm advocate.
Choleric Blends
ChlorSan: As the second most extroverted of the LaHaye blends, saying that the ChlorSan is active is an understatement. ChlorSans thrive on challenges, such as a doctor saying "It can't be done" to a patient. That is an invitation for a ChlorSan to say "Well, you just haven't found a way" and then to proceed to find a way. The ChlorSan advocate is almost fearless and a convincing debater; ChlorSans compensate for what they lack in empirical evidence with intuition, bluff and bravado. As an advocate, the ChlorSan can charm the coldest-hearted people. The ChlorSan is impatient with those who do not share their energy and enthusiasm, which leads to them stepping on the more sensitive types in an effort to reach their goal. ChlorSans as advocates tend to use other people to achieve their means because the secondary sanguine nature takes away from the resolution of a choleric. It is not uncommon for a ChlorSan to seem to have one niche one moment and another niche the next. ChlorSans are natural promoters and inspirers. Because ChlorSans are usually the catalysts for action, the disability community would move nowhere without the ChlorSan advocates' energy and motivation.
ChlorMel: ChlorMels are industrious, capable people in anything they do. Their quick, analytical minds lead them to pointing out flaws in systems and objects alike. ChlorMels are dogged researchers and are drawn to the scientific and pragmatic aspects of the disability community rather than the emotional aspects. ChlorMels are forceful in what they do, which is not in and of itself negative, but the ChlorMel advocate must take care that they do not become too autocratic in their methods. ChlorMels tend to argue and debate with others to find a truth or a compromise rather than just for fun. This temperament tends to have one niche because, when a ChlorMel takes up a cause, they put careful consideration into it and slowly become more loyal to it. ChlorMel advocates do not receive the credit they deserve for improving the disability community. It is the ChlorMels' innovations that, figuratively or literally, keep the disability community alive, well, and active.
ChlorPhleg: The ChlorPhleg is an organized, deliberate, and the most subdued of all the extroverts. ChlorPhlegs organize a plan and follow through on it, believing that anything can be better if it is organized. This temperament disguises jabs at ableism and other matters as humor when advocating; one can never be sure if a ChlorPhleg is kidding or ridiculing. Once a ChlorPhleg sets themselves in their ways, they do not budge. With that said, ChlorPhlegs are not easily mislead, but, when a ChlorPhleg goes in the wrong direction with advocacy, the ChlorPhleg will most likely make things right quietly and not admit to their mistake openly. This temperament also has a tendency to excessive pragmatism. ChlorPhlegs will consider a ramp a sign of acceptance, even when no one uses it. The ChlorPhleg can make an excellent advocate if they have concrete goals they can carry into fruition with their organizational skills. ChlorPhlegs provide the much-needed focus on practical issues that prevents us from fumbling around with ideas for too long.
Melancholy Blends:
MelSan: The MelSan combines the intellect and sensitivity of the melancholy with the communication skills of the sanguine, an almost ideal advocacy combination. MelSans are highly emotional and prone to tears whether they are due to happiness, sadness, or anger. The MelSan advocate can be unreasonably critical of others and their approaches to advocacy as well as dramatic during their diatribes. MelSans can swing from fantastically ecstatic to woeful and dejected in a heartbeat and stay that way until something else brings them back up. They feel deeply and carry their feelings for long periods of time. It would be safe to say that most disability bloggers are MelSans, though some people tend to feign the temperamental pattern. Without the MelSan advocate's eloquent writings, the disability community would dissolve as this temperament laid the foundation for such a community to exist.
MelChlor: MelChlors advocate, not with color and noise, but with efficiency. The MelChlor has a penchant for perfection as well as a desire for dominance. It seems that there is nothing a MelChlor cannot do due to their dedication and strong work ethic. As an advocate, the MelChlor uses their talents to defeat stereotypes and drives their cause forward using their sensitivity combined with forceful bluntness. MelChlors almost always have a goal in mind when they advocate and will go to great lengths to reach that goal. However, the MelChlor's weaknesses can nullify their talents if left unchecked. It is not uncommon for a MelChlor advocate to castigate others for viewpoints that do not match theirs and, when told they are being too forceful, a MelChlor is apt to explode. If not for the MelChlors, we would be too emotional as a community and not complete any of the tasks we dream about.
MelPhleg:MelPhlegs are the most introverted of the LaHaye blends. They are kind, sensitive, and not as prone to hostility as the other melancholy blends. MelPhlegs combine the perfection of the melancholy with the reliability of the phlegmatic. As an advocate, the MelPhleg displays a great deal of compassion and loyalty towards their niche. MelPhlegs tend to be outspoken about their passions and keep silent about other things.The MelPhleg tends towards feelings of fear and negativity, leading them to tell of bleak futures when this is not the case. Although the MelPhleg advocate uses their talents to defeat stereotypes, the MelPhleg tends to doubt their own abilities due to their low self-esteem. Their anxiety can get the better of them, sometimes even causing their health to deteriorate. The MelPhleg's natural desire to be conscientious can cause them to take up more and more causes and, thus, overload themselves, leading to their eventual detriment. MelPhlegs are prevalent in the online disability community, which is a good thing because the loyal, compassionate MelPhlegs set the tone for how we are to go about advocating.
Phlegmatic Blends:
PhlegSan: PhlegSans are congenial, patient, and mild-mannered people. The PhlegSan is never abrasive and loves their family--both their literal family and their advocate family. PhlegSans tend to follow more intense types; they take active roles if they have a good source of motivation. However, the PhlegSan is more apt to walk away from a problem than address it due to their extreme people-orientedness. PhlegSans tend to shy away from things that are "too much effort" although this temperament has a gift for attracting others that would gladly help a PhlegSan with anything they need. The PhlegSan can be too gentle and good-natured, which can lead to tolerating--and even unknowingly promoting--ableism. A PhlegSan can learn how to lead, though this temperament tends to overlook this facet of advocacy. PhlegSans might even find "advocate" too aggressive a term and deny it. However, when a PhlegSan accepts the label, they make warm, friendly advocates ready to dissolve the rampant tension disability community.
PhlegChlor:The PhlegChlor is the most active of the introverted blends, but the PhlegChlor "will never be a ball of fire," as Tim LaHaye says, due to the predominating phlegmatic. PhlegChlors are objective people who tend to discuss broad topics rather than wasting their energy on emotional matters. PhlegChlors rarely lead or follow, leading them to be individualistic in their methods. This temperament does not blow up at others, but simply (figuratively or literally) digs their heels into the ground and does not budge when asked to move. PhlegChlors rarely go beyond the norm, whatever their norm is, but they will hold fast to it. The PhlegChlor will not write long, rambling posts about their life story, but get to the point with concise, efficient methods. I believe there is a shortage of PhlegChlor disability advocates. PhlegChlors stabilize and bring objectivity to the table in the midst of the almost universal emotional turmoil.
PhlegMel: PhlegMels are the most gracious and gentle out of all the LaHaye temperament blends. They are exact, neat, and organized and never impulsively blurt their opinions as some other blends are prone to doing. PhlegMels are diplomatic and rarely hostile. This leads this temperament to be apologetic, even in situations when they might as well be apologizing for nothing. Other more assertive types are apt to run over PhlegMels in their pursuits. The PhlegMel's lack of aggressiveness and fearful tendencies are their main weaknesses as advocates. They are timid and don't tend to speak out unless they are in dire circumstances. When a PhlegMel overcomes their fearfulness, they retain their pleasant demeanor, but are less likely to be stepped on by people of other temperaments. PhlegMels provide the gentle listening ear/eye/other body part or piece of technology used for communication that is needed when so many of us speak out boldly.
This is a call for temperamental diversity in the online disability community. I have never seen any disability advocates openly identify with their temperament although many identify with other factors such as their gender or race. I feel that temperament is a heavily overlooked factor in the disability experience and should be considered more often than it already is (or isn't.). This is the "hidden diversity" that influences much of what we do regardless of other factors. I don't want anyone to say "Advocacy is not for me because I don't have the right temperament" or to feign a temperamental pattern thinking it is the only way to advocate. I have yet to hear more about temperament and disability, so, I need your perspectives. Write a blog post about how your temperament affected your experiences with disability, be it your own or someone else's. I am one person with one temperament and one perspective. More people should discuss the connections between disability and temperament in order to truly promote temperamental diversity. We claim to support diversity of various kinds, but temperamental diversity doesn't seem to be one of them.
Disclaimer: All work that is Tim LaHaye's belongs to Tim LaHaye. I had no part in their development or publication.
I tried to submit this to Two Thirds of the Planet, but it keeps getting rejected as spam.
I am an autistic ENTP. Since being an ENTP is a fairly new identity to me, I cannot delve into it as deeply as I would like to. ENTPs are, as a rule, dynamic and adaptable. ENTPs enjoy diving headfirst into new ideas and experiences. They are curious and a witty sense of humor. This MBTI opposes the stereotypical image of "autistic person," which is why I appear to be very "high-functioning" to most people (or maybe I'm a low-functioning ENTP).
I never really feel flustered or upset during breaks in the routine. In fact, I welcome reprieve from the routine. I intuited some aspects of social skills using my thinking function. I did things because no one said I couldn't do them. I pushed boundaries, experimented, gained awareness of the world through ideas, and took on seemingly insurmountable challenges. I had it easier than most, but no life is ever without its downfalls.
I didn't know I was an ENTP until recently. I mistyped as INTJ due to my pretending to be an introvert. Part of that I attribute to being in an introverted family and another part is fear of failure in general. I would rather have the entire world collapse around me than fail to meet a goal I have set for myself. For me, being an extrovert, rejection is failure. I feel rejection is a symphony of pain. The acute stabbing pangs of initial, direct rejections and dull, lingering aches from repeated or perceived rejections leave me erecting defensive walls as armor.
Most things I do I do out of spite or sheer curiosity. I have rapidly shifting passions and find it difficult to commit to one thing. In order to decide that I wanted to play flute, I tried every other instrument available (clarinet, trumpet, euphonium, and saxophone) before deciding on the flute. It is not uncommon for me to stick with something I did on an impulse. I joined band entirely on a whim and it's an impulse I'm glad I followed. I also started blogging on an impulse, sometimes shifting my niche with no apparent reason other than that I need spontaneity. "P" types tend to be spontaneous in their doings.
I tend to move and fidget when I sit and take notes, but not very conspicuously. I'll jiggle my leg, twirl a pencil, and doodle random things. When I read, I listen to music when I do it because it helps me focus. Others would think it a distraction, but it helps me. I need immersive environments in order to be productive while others would find such a thing overwhelming. In order to swim, I need a "sea of stimulation," as I would call it, whereas others who are content with stimulation pools would feel like they are drowning. I like diving right into new ideas and experiences, but it takes me a few deep breaths to work up the courage to jump into the water.
Image Description:
A horizontal bar graph titled "Your personality type is the debater (ENTP-A). Next to the graph is a fair-skinned, dark-haired man drawn in a geometric style smirking and saying "May I point out a couple mistakes in your argument?" At the bottom is a cyan button that says "Send results by E-mail."
How it Works:
Write a post about how your 16Personalities MBTI affected your disability experience. (Take the 16Personalities test in order to determine which of the 16 personalities you are if you don't know already.) If you cannot decide between two types, use this cognitive functions test to help you decide. Post an image of your 16Personalities results (with an image description for accessibility and in case of rendering issues). Share it with additional tags such as #MBTI and #Disability so others can see that disability and MBTI can intersect.
Why should I bother?
Why shouldn't you bother? Both disability and temperament/personality systems (MBTI in this case) are widely discussed as separate topics, but I rarely see anyone pointing out the intersections between them. Some people don't even realize that these intersections exist. The use of the #16Disabilities challenge is a campaign to create accessible temperament tests. If the 16Personalities staff created accessibility features, more people would be able to experience the benefits of these tests.
What if I'm not disabled, but I like this campaign?
You can use write a similar post and use the tag #16Allies.
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The DiSC profile is a widely-used personality test used to sort someone's methods of interaction with others into these four areas:Dominance,Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. These interaction styles affect our approaches to work, social life, leadership, and, thus, our advocacy methods. Usage of the DiSC profile to understand ourselves and others can increase the effectiveness of our efforts. I will examine each DiSC type and advocacy method correlation in a separate post.
Dominance is the factor of control and assertiveness. People comparatively high in Dominance use blunt, forthright advocacy methods. They have little regard for the sensitivities of others and tend to "say things as they are" instead of "sugar-coating". People comparatively low in Dominance tend to shy away from challenges and value peace above victory, even in the absence of taught values. High D advocates are typically drawn to leadership positions.
Influence is the factor of sociability and persuasion. People comparatively high in Influence are friendly and approachable and use this to their advantage while advocating. They have excellent communication skills and genuinely enjoy the company of others. People comparatively low in Influence are more task-oriented than relational and do not like to be around others as much as their more Influential counterparts. High I advocates tend towards social roles.
Steadiness is the factor of order and stability. People comparatively high in Steadiness value traditions, systems, and credentials and advocate within the boundaries of the system by practicing what other advocates preach. They rarely go beyond the norm, faithfully and fastidiously follow their routines. People comparatively low in Steadiness enjoy spontaneity and resist restraint. High S advocates tend towards documenting their experiences and following other more "radical" advocates.
Compliance is the factor of perfectionism and correctness. People comparatively high in Compliance value "rightness", whether that rightness is objective or subjective, and follow the rules of others as well as their own. They advocate for what they see as right and strive for their often quixotic ideals of rightness and are sensitive to detail. People comparatively low in Compliance tend to skim over details and disregard rules they see as unnecessary. High C advocates tend to pursue fields that call for perfection as a means of moving towards what they view as right.
Why should I use DiSC as an advocate?
DiSC gives insight as to how any why we advocate. A High D would say "I am the most qualified to solve this problem" and go about attempting to solve it while a High S would say "Will someone solve this problem?". Each DiSC type has its own set of fortes and foibles; there is no right or wrong DiSC type. Knowing your type will allow you to see why you advocate the way you do, why some methods work for you while others don't, and how you can increase the effectiveness of your methods.
What is DiSC not?
DiSC is not your personality. Your personality is the sum of your temperament, your experiences, and acquired traits. DiSC is the pattern of your outward behaviors, a manifestation of your temperament. Each of the four areas corresponds to one of the four original temperaments: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, and sanguine. However, DiSC only measures outward behavior, not innate nature. DiSC is a basic pattern of your outward behaviors, not an all-encompassing description of who you are.
Where can I take the DiSC test?
To ensure the most accuracy, you can pay for one, or, if you don't want to pay for a test, take this one.
A Challenge:
Take the DiSC test I linked to, publish a picture of your results, and tell about how your DiSC type affects your advocacy methods. Axiom Software's interpretations are useful in analyzing your individual type.
This is my DiSC type. How can you see this through my methods?
If you do write a DiSCability advocacy post, feel free to use this image:
Image Descriptions:
A circle divided into quarters with each quarter being red, yellow, blue, or green.
The red quarter: Direct, decisive, independent, and to
the point. Bottom line and results-oriented. Often strong-willed, enjoys
challenges and immediate results
The yellow quarter:
Optimistic, social, and outgoing. Enjoys being on teams, sharing openly,
entertaining, and motivating others.
The green quarter: Team player, cooperative and supportive of others. Prefers being in the background, working in a stable environment. Often good listeners and prefers to avoid conflict and change.
The blue quarter: Cautious and concerned. Focused on what is "correct." Plans ahead and is concerned about accuracy
A pie chart with a red section, an orange section, a yellow section, and a purple section
The red section is the largest (55%) and represents Dominance.
The orange section is smaller than the red section (22%) and represents Influence.
The yellow section is smaller than the orange section (12%) and represents Compliance.
The purple section is the smallest (10%) and represents Steadiness.
An accessibility symbol (the new one with a robust figure pushing one's self while leaning forward) with an opaque white circle with a black outline divided into quarters with each quarter having a red D, a yellow I, a green S, or a blue C. The image reads "DiSC" if the letters are read clockwise from D.
I don't have (or at least never used) the chameleon function described among most aspie females. Social isolation hurt me, but more deeply than I realized. I longed for the spotlight, to walk up onstage and address my peers, and to perform, but I couldn't work up the courage. I denied these desires for fear of being seen as egotistical or attention-seeking. It was a perpetual cycle of "I want it, but I can't," a vicious cyclone that rent my soul every day.
By pretending to not want society as much as I did, I coped with the cycle by repressing my desires to be with others. In order to please myself and others, I pretended to be introverted. I read about introverts feeling relieved about embracing their introverted selves and not pretending to be extroverted. However, I found that some of these people called extroverts phony or shallow while venerating introverts as insightful and intelligent. I eventually came to believe this until I re-examined myself and my responses.
I gather energy from my environment. My mood shifts according to my overall surroundings, so, if I can change environments quickly enough, I can avoid mental fatigue. As much as I like to think, I hate the idea of sitting still all day with only my mind to occupy me. I like learning about others' ideas and promoting my ideas while I'm at it. Performance appeals to me more than sitting in the audience. As much as I enjoy being around others, I prefer that it has a purpose. However, I find myself talking to random people simply because I can.
When I first discovered temperament theory, I mis-tested as MelSan, then MelChlor, and then ChlorMel when I am, in fact, a ChlorSan. I read too much into what I do rather than how and why I do it. For example, my analytical tendencies are a traditional melancholic trait, but I analyze (1) because it makes me feel powerful and (2) it's fun for me to analyze things. I avoid competition although I enjoy it mainly because, knowing myself, I would have a poor reaction to losing. Though I can get over my angry outbursts quickly, others will not. However, when forced into competition, I take it seriously and have a strong desire to win. I have learned to lose gracefully, at first because I would be "superior" to sore losers, and then it came naturally to me.
The online disability community has a temperamental pattern whether it is real or feigned. Instead of bringing my ChlorSan perspective to the table, I tried to fit into the predominantly melancholic community. I felt like I was accepted partially, which never satisfied me. Day in and day out, I wore the melancholic mask and even misled some of you into believing that I was. For that, I apologize and I hope you can forgive me.
I am an extrovert and finally proud to be one. I say "extrovert" because I am technically an extroverted ambivert, but my main preference is towards extroversion. By pretending to be an introvert, I managed to survive, but, by being the extrovert I really am, I will thrive. I not only crave interaction, but I need it. It energizes me in the way a good book or quiet time can energize an introvert. Extroverts envy introverts because introverts can do something unobtrusive to recharge or avoid boredom while extroverts need more stimuli to keep occupied. Extroverts are sometimes dismissed as loud or annoying when we are trying to recharge. Very little content written under the #Extrovert tag is written by extroverts. People say the world is built for us even though teachers discourage talking and "silence is golden".
Being an extrovert does not mean that I am any less intelligent or that my ideas are any less valid. It does not mean that my experiences or identities are any less real. Rather, I experience the world in a way that is different from introverts. Neither social -version is superior to the other; they are just different factors in one's perspective.
Being the good girl I always had to be meant pretending to be an introvert. My mind told me to keep silent, but my heart wanted to speak out and my body wanted to act. I did not want to impulsively blurt something I would regret later, so I kept my head down and said nothing. I learned to internalize everything despite my instincts to externalize. I learned that I would be annoying if I tried to obtain the stimulation I needed, egotistical if I tried to obtain the spotlight I craved, and that my needs were less valid than those of my introverted counterparts. I was told that I was inherently strong and happy, even when I wasn't, that I had the advantage even when I had the disadvantage. Does this sound familiar?
Part of me denying my extroversion comes from previous misconceptions about what introversion and extroversion are. I thought extroverts were perpetually outgoing, always confident, and never shy. However, I am a blend of the two extroverted temperaments (choleric and sanguine) and I can be quite shy (especially if I'm meeting my idol), lack confidence, and/or appear withdrawn at a social event (particularly if I'm shy at the moment.) Denying my social -version would be like denying that I am autistic, Asian, or female--and I have no intention of doing that.
I'm planning to submit a piece on disability and temperament to the website Two Thirds of the Planet, a disability-related website that covers a wide range of issues from the line where inspiration is no longer inspiring to practical issues such as the quality of assistive devices.
Potential Ideas
Addressing the lack of temperamental diversity in the online disability community when other forms of diversity are widely present
The use of Jungian cognitive functions in adapting to a disability, whether inborn or acquired
How temperament can affect the way we would go about various aspects of life
Why we should discuss disability and temperament together
Making accessible temperament tests
Preparing temperament counselors for disabled clients
How the five stages of disability perception manifest differently in different temperaments
I will accept other ideas and suggestions as well. Please comment with your ideas because I won't know them otherwise.
(A/N: Yes, this is another short and pointless post that serves as a plea for writing fodder, but keep in mind that I am an extroverted ambivert and think best with discussion.)
So, am I an INTJ or an ENTJ? The correct answer is: Neither. After waffling between ENTJ and INTJ for the longest time, I settled on ENTJ for some time. It seemed to suit me because I like to lead. However, after some self-speculation, I found out that I couldn't quite be a those types because I don't like to be restrained to a plan with no way out. I am also more interested in understanding people than making them do my will (which is a close second).
Before I give you the answer, I'll have you play a game to guess my type (read: give you a series of frustrating hints). Scroll past the game if you are an impatient person (like me) and just want to know my MBTI.
It is an NT type.
This type likes to debate and tear other people's ideas apart for fun.
It is known for mentally sparring purely for the sake of pleasure.
Other types are likely to think of this type as mean-spirited due to their aforementioned pastime.
This type can come up with great ideas, but will be miserable doing the "grunt work" in order to carry into fruition.
This type is vehemently protective of INFJs (not that they need it) due to sheer instinct.
In four temperament theory, this type corresponds with LaHaye's ChlorSan or SanChlor depending on what you think of this type.
This type is a thrill seeker and experience junkie. Someone of this type would do something just so they could tell stories about it.
This type works in bursts of energy rather than having a steady, systematic approach to working.
This type has little to no boundaries for work and play. They work as play, play as work, make work fun by adding play, and make play productive by adding work.
As a rule, people of this type are very adaptable.
Anyone who knows someone of this type (or is this type) knows what I'm talking about.
I took the 16 Personalities test again and got this result:
16 Personalities describes ENTPs, called Debaters, as "smart, curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge." That sounds like me. The reason that I started a blog is to pick ideas apart, put them back together, and combine them with new ideas. NTs, such as myself, pursue knowledge relentlessly, especially in our areas of interest.
The "P" in "ENTP" stands for prospecting. Prospecting types are, as a rule, spontaneous and adaptable to whatever change comes their way. My sporadic blogging "schedule" as well as my abrupt switching from one thing to the next is reflective of the "P" I tried to repress for so long. Though I do not always seem like it, I am an adaptable person. I can adapt myself to fit almost any situation as I see fit. I respond to my environment and the people around me. Five different people who see me in their five respective environments will have five different general ideas as to how they perceive me. This is not that I am a phony or acting a part. It is within my nature to adapt in such a way.
Whenever I see a general value, my first instinct is to find the exception to the rule or to attempt to tear a shoddily-built idea into shreds. No matter whose it is, be it Dr. David Keirsey's or my own, I will test the strength of my ideas. I wondered why I didn't do well working slowly and steadily. I work in spontaneous bursts of energy and keep going for as long as that burst of energy will sustain itself. However, I cannot be productive once the burst is gone.
I was told to determine my MBTI by use of Jungian cognitive functions, which are as follows:
Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Introverted Sensing (Si)
Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Introverted Thinking (Fi)
My cognitive functions are as follows:
If the image does not load on your device or if you are using a text reader to gather information from my blog, the percentages are as follows:
Extroverted Intuition : 84%
Introverted Intuition: 79%
Extroverted Sensation: 57%
Introverted Sensation: 24%
Extroverted Thinking: 72%
Introverted Thinking: 75%
Extroverted Feeling: 32%
Introverted Feeling: 56%
I have been testing as types with completely different cognitive functions. In the ENTJ, extroverted thinking is the dominant function; introverted intuition predominates in INTJs. The way I could connect hidden meanings and other contexts did not fit dominant Te or Ni users. Extroverted thinkers lay out facts as correlations on charts, which is some of what I do, but introverted thinking fits me more, though it is not my dominant cognitive function. Introverted intuitors use transcendent understanding to predict the future as it unfurls. Ni users use complex, symbolic ways to explain universal themes of life. While I use a fairly great deal of Ni considering that it is a shadow function, weaving "idea threads" together into a fabric of understanding is characteristic of Ne users.
My Disability and the Five Temperaments series came into fruition by sole virtue of Ne and Ti. As I penned the series, my main thought was "How could most people have failed to notice these connections?" I had two different ideas in front of me, completely independent concepts that seemed to have no relationship to each other, and I uncovered the connections because (1) no one else would and (2) because they were right in front of our faces all along, but we failed to notice them. ENTPs are limit pushers by nature. The phrase "It can't be done" is a challenge that invites ENTPs to prove that it can be done. I thought I wouldn't be able to run a blog, let alone have it reach 10,000 pageviews! However, because ENTPs are known for stubborn, I kept doing it. Though ENTPs are usually the subjects of glurge-y "inspiration" due to the feats they achieve, I have yet to see another ENTP disability blogger. In the meantime, I'll keep being the ENTP voice in this predominantly INFX community--and ENTProud of the part I play.
Temperament and disability are rarely discussed together. What I mean by "rarely" is that, before I started blogging about disability and temperament, I have only seen one brief mention of a connection. If gender, race, and financial standing are mentioned frequently, why is temperament completely overlooked? Is it due to the widespread aversion to labels that temperament theory is avoided or have we simply overlooked temperament theory as a potential helpful tool in favor of more specialized services?
Everything I wrote about is based on pure extrapolation on what I have read about temperament theory. I have very little empirical data; most of my "findings" are just extrapolations off of what I already know of temperaments. However, this speculation stew is better than a total lack of discussion of disability and temperament. It is not that other life factors have not been discussed alongside disability or that every life factor bears relevance, but temperament, which bears a great deal of relevance, is overlooked.
Realizing temperamental differences among the disabled clarifies why two people with the same disability with roughly the same effects will respond differently to it whether it is acquired or inborn. The disability community encompasses a wide variety of temperaments, which largely go unknown. A lack of accessible temperament tests may be to blame as well the aforementioned other factors.
Mainly in the case of neurologically-based disabilities, temperament has an effect on perceived functioning level. Generally, melancholics appear "higher-functioning" due to their inclinations towards perfection while phlegmatics will appear "lower-functioning" because they tend not to tax themselves with looking "normal." Supines' expression difficulties are sometimes misdocumented as a clinical symptom. The effect is highly variable for cholerics as their temperament can manifest as dogged determination to achieve whatever goal they set before themselves or a hairtrigger temper that leads to angry outbursts. Sanguines have the same the same variability, but to a lesser extent. Either a sanguine's continued pleasure seeking will lead to behavioral issues or they will try to "blend" to look "normal" in order to fulfill their social needs. Sanguines also tend to have a "functioning swing" depending on their mood. They can be "just fine" one moment and completely fall apart the next.
In the case of acquired disability, the grief stage and adjustment is difficult to navigate for any temperament. Cholerics are more frustrated with the stereotypes of submission and lost independence. They will often deny that they are grieving and mask it as anger. Social isolation takes the greatest toll on the sanguines; they tend self-loathe and grieve intensely during this turbulent time, but are usually the quickest to "rebound". Melancholics will cry, retreat within themselves, and lament the asset they use in trying to meet their own standards. Generally, people of the melancholic temperament take the most time in adjusting to an acquired disability. Phlegmatics may have few outward displays of emotions, but their internal turmoil runs strong due to the amount of change that hits them at once. Their grief tends to manifest as neglecting their appearance and personal interests. Supines "go invisible" and seldom request help even if they need it. Recognizing the temperaments of people who acquired disabilities can assist them in adjusting to their new life.
Including temperament on an IEP/504 plans or other forms of requesting accommodations can help in their effectiveness. Knowing the temperamental differences between students can assist in motivating them and otherwise ensuring their success. For example, verbal assessment of a supine allows them to express their needs while assisting a choleric in mood regulation by presenting reactions as choices allows them to appropriately fulfill their driving need for control. Recognizing the driving needs of different temperaments assists in knowing what makes someone tick. This is important in getting a student to learn, exercise independence, and otherwise think for themselves.
Advocacy methods are affected by temperament. More often than not, cholerics and sanguines are the leaders of nonprofits, the public speakers, and are otherwise the persuasive, active ones. Phlegmatics and supines tend to more passive roles as followers of what the cholerics and sanguines say. Melancholics blend these methods by blogging and otherwise passively dominating disability-related regions of the Internet. In the event that a melancholic stumbles across a choleric's blog, they may find the choleric brash and careless in their methods. The choleric may think the melancholic just "beats around the bush" and will not get anywhere. When working in accord, advocates adapt to each other's temperaments to create a cohesive community. When conflicts of temperament arise, advocates form small, disjointed subgroups, fight over small issues, and get nothing done. In such instances, cholerics and sanguines tend to trample over the phlegmatics and supines while the melancholics shut this chaotic scene out by retreating within themselves and doing nothing. Temperament theory can prevent conflicts that arise among advocates by creating understanding--and that is what we seek to do.
In this relay post, you will write a blog post comparing and contrasting yourself to another blogger and challenge other bloggers to do to compare and contrast themselves with you.
Challenge Rules:
Do not compare and contrast yourself with yourself. That defeats the purpose of this challenge.
You are not limited in your amount of comparing and contrasting, but please keep your post coherent and readable.
Link to the blogger you intend to take the compare and contrast challenge.
The challenged blogger must be informed via comment section or E-mail order to be obligated to post. If they explicitly decline, they are no longer obligated to participate.
Do not vex anyone who declines.
The Compare and Contrast Challenge is not intended to be demeaning to any party. Do not use belittling remarks, even if they are jokes. Save your viewers the headache of trying to read your intentions through a screen.
There is no particular timeframe the challenge should take place in.
Let the other blogger know you compared and contrasted yourself to them. Invite this person to challenge others.
Tag your post Compare and Contrast Challenge if you are participating or challenging someone else.
No one has to challenge you in order to participate.
We have roughly similar disabilities. Both of us have autism/Asperger's and ADHD. I find that the manifestations are similar as far as I can tell from reading her posts. I was pleased to find someone who could understand my experiences and not dismiss them with something along the lines of "At least you can talk".
We are animal lovers. Animals are near and dear to our hearts. I am more affected by the distress of an animal than I am affected the distress of a human as is my fellow blogger. Whenever I go to someone's house, I usually end up playing with their dogs, cats, or other pets they have.
Both of us have blog pets. Mine is Steve, the green spider near the Internet speed test. Angel has a presumably unnamed cat, which I will refer to as Minou from now on. Sometimes, I go to Angel's blog just to play with Minou.
Both of us have participated in blogging challenges. Though Angel appears to participate in more of them, I have participated in one FTSF.
We share an interest in personality types. I do it because I am a compulsive analytic and must classify everything and Angel does it out of curiosity and fascination. She wrote a post about her personality types here.
We like Dr. Pepper. Dr. Pepper is the beverage of champions.
Our temperaments are different. Using Fighunter, Angel tested as PhlegMel while I tested as ChlorMel. Her MBTI is INFP and mine is ENTJ after mistyping as INTJ several times. Using MBTI, we found our Keirsey types. Our temperaments influence our writing methods as well as the topics we write about. An INFP is a champion for the values they feel are overlooked whereas an ENTJ will find pragmatic solutions to problems and create new values to uphold.
Go here to find out more about how INFPs and ENTJs differ in their approaches to life.
We show differences in our approach to blogging due to our respective temperaments. Angel participates in more blogging challenges while I like to start new ones. (The ones I have started have had one, two, or no participants.) I approach unexplored issues with innovative ideas while Angel responds to events, challenges, and blogging traditions.
Our blog pets reflect our respective temperaments. Minou is a quintessential representation of the INFP. This apparently INFP cat will paw at and track your cursor, but will not stray outside of its boundaries. Steve, on the other hand, is a green ENTJ spider. He industriously spins webs and eats flies whilst using unconvincing ads to lure humans into his trap.
Our vocations are different. Angel is a teacher who works with small children. (I don't know the specific age range[s].) I am a high school student, a flutist for the school band, and currently unemployed.
We express distress in vastly different ways. As an F type, Angel says that she gets upset easily and if she is upset, she would most likely be bawling. She seeks the counsel of her dogs and others under distress. As a "T" type, I mask my distress very well--sometimes too well. I keep on doggedly pursuing tasks even though I should probably step back and take a back. Under distress, I send my team away and insist on doing everything myself. When something eventually pushes me over the threshold, others will think I am too sensitive because they can only see the one straw that broke the camel's back when there are thousands of other straws underneath it.
Our approach to labels differ somewhat. Angel says she would rather choose her own labels than accept the "negative" labels "forced" on her. I believe that labels are neutral terms, but what people make of them that can change their alignment. However, we both embrace labels, but use them for different purposes. Both of us pursue labels, but my pursuit is more active and aggressive.
We have different blogging identities. Angel calls herself an alien, but presents herself as a real person. I keep my anonymity underneath the identity of a rainbow-haired girl and try my best not to reveal too much about myself to maintain distance between myself and the people of the Internet. The two identities we have represent our respective roles: as a crusader of values and protector of the downtrodden and a fieldmarshal rallying her troops to carry her visions into fruition.
I challenge the owners of these blogs to participate:
Disney movies are my preferred form of entertainment, so I decided to write this parody of "Honor to us All" from Mulan to humorously reflect on "passing for normal."