Blogger Widgets Ender-Chan's Thoughts: Keirsey Types and Disability-Related Roles

Friday, November 6, 2015

Keirsey Types and Disability-Related Roles

Each of Keirsey's four temperaments usually plays a distinct role in the disability community. Temperament is the basic framework for someone's actions, responses, and perception, which can affect the role one plays in life.

 Steadfast, dependable Guardians  (_S_JSensing and Judging MBTI or Phlegmatic) often fall into roles as nurses, caregivers, aides, and PCAs (Personal Care Assistants). They work slowly and steadily within the system, careful not to "rock the boat" (cause disturbances in the situation at hand) and like to provide for other people. Guardians readily adapt to their circumstances, but are unwilling to change them unless they are in extreme circumstances. They can be unaccommodating due to their strict adherence to time-honored traditions and formalities with little willingness to modify or completely forgo them. Guardians do the "little" things that are indispensable to the survival of our kind.

Fun-loving, inspiring Artisans (_S_PSensing and Perceiving MBTI or Sanguine) play their parts as occupational or music therapists, the fun teachers, case workers, and group leaders. Artisans are bold, artistic, social, and spontaneous. They motivate, persuade, and uplift others with fun and humor. They make bold PSAs (Public Service Announcements), start campaigns, and speak publicly while they befriend the people they work with and flexibly adapt to the needs of others. Though others envy the Artisan, this temperament is not without its set of faults and foibles. For one, Artisans have difficulty planning due to their "here and now" train of thought. They do not like to waste their time with things that are not fun or stimulating and get bored easily. Artisans stimulate others and live in the moment. They keeping others on their toes and looking on the bright side.

Thoughtful, conscientious Idealists (/_NF_Intuitive Feeler MBTI or Melancholic) take up their responsibilities as physical therapists, the organized teachers, counselors, resource teachers, and authors. Idealists pride themselves in being kindhearted, authentic, and giving. They focus on "what could be" rather than "what is". Most likely, the person behind a blog is an Idealist typing their heart out. The Idealist strives for interpersonal harmony and is diplomatic, considerate, and look to the future hoping that their visions will come into fruition. While the Idealists' striving towards goals can allow them to push through tough times, if an Idealist sets too many goals for someone or sets their standards too high, that person may end up resenting said Idealist. An Idealist's focus on "what could be" rather than "what is" can leave them in a vicious cycle of grief, frustration, and disappointment. When these are overcome, Idealists' musings coupled with their kindness creates quiet, empathetic, and diligent listeners.

Analytical, decisive Rationals (_NT_Intuitive Thinker MBTI or Choleric) fill their functions as doctors, surgeons, coaches, assistive technology engineers, and researchers. Rationals are intelligent and objective, always looking for potential problems and solving them accordingly. Others hate the Rationals saying that they preach doomsday when they are simply informing others of the worse that can happen, but may not. These pragmatic, even-tempered, and strategic people, with their innovations and inventions, enhance the health of others, find problems in the system, and allow further advancement into integration and inclusion. This analytical eye, however, leads to another  They often rely on data and terminology too much and fail to see others as something other than a spreadsheet or see too many problems, thus sending their clients into depressive states of grief. This is a common complaint among people of other temperaments when dealing with Rationals. Though Rationals' impersonal ways make them seem uncaring, many people owe their lives and/or the quality of their lives to Rationals. If Rationals did not value disabled lives, they would not bother with inventing assistive technology.

Each of these types has an integral role in the life of a disabled person. If one of them were eradicated, the support system would collapse. We need Rationals to invent the systems, Guardians to work within them, Artisans to inspire, and Idealists to empathize. Neither one temperament is more important than the other, though biases towards or against certain temperaments may make it seem like so.


    1. This is a very useful list of career choices for the different temperaments! I have been wanting to Read Temple Grandin's book, "Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Aspergers anf HF Autism," which sounds like it may be along these lines, too! Thanks for sharing at FHL


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